For legacy compatibility. Use ChatOpenAI instead.

Wrapper around OpenAI large language models that use the Chat endpoint.

To use you should have the openai package installed, with the OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable set.

To use with Azure you should have the openai package installed, with the AZURE_OPENAI_API_KEY, AZURE_OPENAI_API_INSTANCE_NAME, AZURE_OPENAI_API_DEPLOYMENT_NAME and AZURE_OPENAI_API_VERSION environment variable set.

Any parameters that are valid to be passed to openai.createCompletion can be passed through modelKwargs, even if not explicitly available on this class.

const model = new OpenAIChat({
prefixMessages: [
role: "system",
content: "You are a helpful assistant that answers in pirate language",
maxTokens: 50,

const res = await model.invoke(
"What would be a good company name for a company that makes colorful socks?"
console.log({ res });

Hierarchy (view full)




frequencyPenalty: number = 0

Penalizes repeated tokens according to frequency

model: string = "gpt-3.5-turbo"

Model name to use

modelName: string = "gpt-3.5-turbo"

Model name to use Alias for model

n: number = 1

Number of completions to generate for each prompt

presencePenalty: number = 0

Penalizes repeated tokens

streaming: boolean = false

Whether to stream the results or not. Enabling disables tokenUsage reporting

temperature: number = 1

Sampling temperature to use

topP: number = 1

Total probability mass of tokens to consider at each step

azureOpenAIApiDeploymentName?: string

Azure OpenAI API deployment name to use for completions when making requests to Azure OpenAI. This is the name of the deployment you created in the Azure portal. e.g. "my-openai-deployment" this will be used in the endpoint URL: https://{InstanceName}

azureOpenAIApiInstanceName?: string

Azure OpenAI API instance name to use when making requests to Azure OpenAI. this is the name of the instance you created in the Azure portal. e.g. "my-openai-instance" this will be used in the endpoint URL:{DeploymentName}/

azureOpenAIApiKey?: string

API key to use when making requests to Azure OpenAI.

azureOpenAIApiVersion?: string

API version to use when making requests to Azure OpenAI.

azureOpenAIBasePath?: string

Custom endpoint for Azure OpenAI API. This is useful in case you have a deployment in another region. e.g. setting this value to "" will be result in the endpoint URL:{DeploymentName}/

logitBias?: Record<string, number>

Dictionary used to adjust the probability of specific tokens being generated

maxTokens?: number

Maximum number of tokens to generate in the completion. -1 returns as many tokens as possible given the prompt and the model's maximum context size.

modelKwargs?: Record<string, any>

Holds any additional parameters that are valid to pass to openai.createCompletion that are not explicitly specified on this class.

openAIApiKey?: string

API key to use when making requests to OpenAI. Defaults to the value of OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable. Alias for apiKey

organization?: string
prefixMessages?: ChatCompletionMessageParam[]

ChatGPT messages to pass as a prefix to the prompt

stop?: string[]

List of stop words to use when generating Alias for stopSequences

timeout?: number

Timeout to use when making requests to OpenAI.

user?: string

Unique string identifier representing your end-user, which can help OpenAI to monitor and detect abuse.


