A class that extends AgentActionOutputParser to provide a custom implementation for parsing the output of a ZeroShotAgent action.

Hierarchy (view full)



finishToolName: string


  • Returns the format instructions for parsing the output of an agent action in the style of the ZeroShotAgent.

    Returns string

    The format instructions for parsing the output.

  • Parses the text output of an agent action, extracting the tool, tool input, and output.


    • text: string

      The text output of an agent action.

    Returns Promise<{
        log: string;
        returnValues: {
            output: string;
        tool?: undefined;
        toolInput?: undefined;
    } | {
        log: string;
        tool: string;
        toolInput: string;
        returnValues?: undefined;

    An object containing the tool, tool input, and output extracted from the text, along with the original text as a log.
